Monday, December 29, 2008

Trusting in Hard Places

There are so many different circumstances that will throw us for a loop,even when we claim to be strong. when we've just came through a major storm and feel surely I'm stronger now just to have your lights cut off or the savings you thought you could fall back on wiped out within moments,and then your job you've depended on for years is just days away from being gone.All of these things and more can cause a very big panic attack the kind that just does not want to move,and you can feel yourself sliding down into depression and their is no one you feel you can call on for they are facing similar situations.But God is always aware of where we are and of the hard places we are in so run to Him by getting in God's word, for as we get our minds back on Him the pain eases,then as we began to Praise God for who He is our focus will help us to put all our trust in Him for God said he will cause all these things to work together for our good Romans 8:28 I thank God for always being there for us and even though He does not do things the way we want Him to,He will help us to understand His way of doing things,which is best for us.

Let's keep our trust in the God who knows and loves us!

Love in Christ  Pat
Enhanced by Zemanta

Where was Adam?

Yesterday while viewing different questions I came across one that really stuck with me:Where was Adam when Eve sinned? So I left my computer to do some thinking and praying.But God does not always give me answers right away,but He does always answer.So first thing this morning I heard His Spirit speaking:Adam was there because the two were now one,like the Trinity Father,Son & Holy Spirit.God is so awesome and the way He sees things we really cannot even grasp them unless the Holy Spirit gives us light.That's where a lot of unbelievers get confused trying to understand God's word with there carnal minds,and because it makes no sense to them it cannot be true.The truth is as God's word says it is and You must accept it by Faith otherwise you will start to make up whatever you think is right or fall into the lies of others.That's why I believe there are so many confused people in the world,you know Jesus is Real but you don't want to Bow down because of change.But change is good especially with Jesus as your Saviour because He will help you to change with nudges or (like with me bricks) but it's all good because He is the "Greatest Comforter" so you can't lose with Jesus He is the "Best". And as you grow God will open His word up to an even greater degree.
I will continue to pray for the unsaved for knowing Jesus is very important,and for my Sister's and Brother's as well as for myself for we all have room for more growth. I am new to Bloging and I am enjoying this.

Love in Christ

Monday, December 15, 2008

Where Is Your Gain?

What shall it profit you to have: All the name brand shoes the biggest house on the block,the highest honors a man can earn the best this world has to offer? Then die and lose your soul what are you willing to except  In exchange for your immortal soul.Some people are packing up all they can and others are trying anything to live here as long as possible-and why?Because you know after death comes the Judgement and second death.And yet you continue to reject Jesus Christ as your Saviour  Jesus Christ is Still the only way to God.  John 12:48 And death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire this is the second death the lake of fire. And any ones name who was not found in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14~15 Jesus said I am the way,the truth,and the lifeno man can come unto Father except by me. John 14:6 Why do you choose death? When Jesus Christ has paid in full all God requires,for all of your sins to be forgiven and to have eternal life. Romans 10:9 explains what's needed for salvation -Then receive this "Great" promise just one of many 1 John 5:11~13 Please know Jesus Christ is "Great Gain" now and in the future he will never leave you.God's love for you is great but you have a choice?
Love in Christ Pat

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What am I to do?

There is so much going on today and we are being pushed to the max.Family member's can cause heartache's that run deep,and it just makes matters worse when they are saved.Today I am so torn with pain and on days like this I must Praise God and try my best not to be angry.Even though I know God is causing all these things to work together for my good,it's still so hard not to lash out at those that are causing my pain!But what else can I do when it feels that even God don't hear me? I know that God cares and loves me,but today "This Thing" is hard to handle, and as I write I feel my spirit calming down thank God for his Spirit.Yes Lord All things are in your hands and if I could not handle what I'm going through,you would not Allow me to affected by it.God just helped me just like He said He is a very present help in our times of trouble.How I praise God for his help right now! Hallelujah,I mean I was hot mad,but God he is so wonderful and always willing to help us through All these hard places we are going through, Habakkuk 3:17 ~Isaiah 43:1 God is with us through it all. May the Lord bless you also and comfort you.

Love in Christ

Waiting On God

Daniel 3 Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up his golden image. 4 Then the herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, a...