My Journey Home

This walk with Jesus is a journey home,every since we've been born we've been marching toward the grave.We were not born to stay here,even though  some are trying to, it will not work. The very best we can do is to be ready to die,and of course we can live for Jesus now. That's why God sent his Son to reconcile us back to him. God our Father created us in his image,and he loves us so very much and it's God's highest desire that we be saved,born again,converted.They all mean the same thing that we've come into relationship with Jesus Christ.God our Father also made this possible by allowing Jesus to take our place upon the cross.Jesus died a horrible death but all that he went through for us was not lost,because the greatness that came from what Jesus did for us can be applied to our life by faith. What an awesome God,and a wonderful Saviour we have,and to know him is to love him.On this journey we encounter many different trials & tribulations just as God forewarned us,but there is no need to live in fear for our God is all powerful and all wise. Nothing takes him by surprise,even though we are caught off guard,God never is. And that truth gives such wonderful encouragement! Since I've been saved God has been a very present help to me and for me,and I'm so happy to know that God will never leave me nor forget me.God is my great keeper and encourager,and God will be real to you if you only believe and trust in him.

Waiting On God

Daniel 3 Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up his golden image. 4 Then the herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, a...